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Rem Digga - Как Пак (As Pac) Лирицс транслатион то енглисх

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As Pac

Chap as Pac1, chap as Pac, chap as Pac. (Stay strong)
Chap as Pac, chap as Pac, chap as Pac. (Stay strong)
Ice is in my hood – dirty sort of snow2.
Pipes are without water again – dark angry nigga.
Cops tracked down, sirens wailing somewhere.
You see, boy, do not leave the trace, stay where you are.
Welcome to my house, here’s bread and salt,
and there is Bath Salts to check, it was took out
by an evil demon for our kids - marvellous beauty!
Cop keep silent as if put him in jail.
This is where hungry guns reach for the sky.
Forthy two, alert! Tra-ta-ta, dark water.
Are you crying? Are you really crying? Go fuck. The rest is depth.
Here, where the blue sea is a magnet3, just try to slow down the car.
This is where you’ll be siphoned the gasoline off, beaten.
The Street, mother, strongly beats with both hands, the fuck up trash talk.
Friend, the question is: to whom ref will start counting first here?
This is boxing, boom, everything is true,
even if the lips are bleeding, the stubborn gorilla band rod.
Garages, bench press, sawdust of South4.
Don’t flick. Don’t overdo. I’ll kill you, bitch!
This is not life - this is a ring, a four-hook box.
Under the peek-a-boo cross through the arm, nose near the ear.
I-I-I am fool Crocodile, carabine is in the teeth.
What are you talking about, eh? Bury the guys!
Brother, so you don’t cry later,
dock you tank (?), fuck, (bitches,) your worst fuckup!
Stay strong as Pac, as Pac, as Pac.
Stay strong as Pac, as Pac, as Pac.
Stay strong as Pac, as Pac, as Pac.
Stay strong as Pac, as Pac, as Pac.
My rap was born among special gentlemen:
this is where the cop is a thief, where the nurse is a junkie, where the demon is priest.
The trial is long, the social security agency is dead,
the cruel Jack-in-office sits inside, developed a paunch,
eats from lunch through to dinner.
My rimy barrack with coal got up,
the ram is eating hay of a woman.
The street scum and swindlers bore in the bars.
Dead town, windy city block, holdup.
Fast paddy wagon, slow transit, angry cop.
The ferocious arbitrariness spins wheel.
Who the hell are you a miracle? Would you take validol5?
Hide the snot, son, yes, it’s trouble, but you always have a choice.
My conscience - a black TT, removed form the cover.
I'm here, like Schwartz6 himself in the jungle, gangstar pussy.
Rap has become a friend of the dream team - almost like BlackStar with Guf7.
Okey, Google, keep yourself a million likes.
And you better give me the coordinates of the merchant, don’t be afraid.
Cinema, bitch, and you only teeth under the fag powder (?).
While the cop was meditating here,
the dealer pulled the Beemer from zero.
What the fuck is this? Full out, bitch!
It's hopeless. Round bitch!
(Stay out of their affairs!)
You are not welcome here, get the fuck out, bitch!
Don’t lie, homeboy, no, this talk is suitable here.
The cop didn’t save, the dear buddy didn’t leave you alone.
You, greenhorn, believe, it’s take just a couple of seconds to go to jail.
On the shoulder, as a charm for protection against all, my own grandfather.
I am love-and-soul guy, a hand is a stone, a blow is amen.
I’ve bushed a lot of heads to once who played dirty tricks.
Women in brooks took all the clothes off, teared off stitches, beeping: 'Honey, please, fuck me!'
You don't stop me, bitch - you don't stop me!
I am a buffalo with a biceps in khaki, you hardly tell me in the face.
I saw five hundred of all sorts, in fact, it’s dangerous to lie to me.
Let there be a matchmaker, brother, your godfather - I will fuck for truth!
  • 1. Pacquiao, Filipino boxer
  • 2. dirty ice is typical for russian cities – mix of snow, anti-acing reagents, the residue of exhaust fumes, mud
  • 3. the Sea of Azov or the Black Sea
  • 4. the south of Russia
  • 5. Solutio Levomentholi in Menthylii isovalerate, antianxiety drug
  • 6. Arnold Schwarzenegger, film Predator
  • 7. russian rap lable and rapper

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Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Dolazim iz doline
Gde, kad ste mladi gospodine,
Odgajaju te da radiš k'o što tvoj ćale radio je
Moja Mara i ja u srednjoj školi smo se sreli
Kad sedamnaest bilo joj je, bato beli
Odvezli bi smo se iz ove doline tamo gde poljane su zelene

Do reke bi se spustili
I u nju zaronili
E, dole do reke bi se vozili

Tad je moja Mara zakevila
I to je brajko moj sve što ona je napisala
A za moj devetnaesti rođendan dobio sam, ništa manje
Neg' sindikalnu kartu i sako za venčanje
Došli smo do sudnice A sudija je opravio da stvar legne
Brez smešaka na dan venčanja, brez, šetnje kroz zvanice
Brez cveća, brez venčanice

To veče smo se do reke spustili
I u reku smo uronili
O da, do reke smo se vozali

Pos'o sam dobio, rint'o na građevini u Jonstaun Kompaniji
Al' u zadnje vreme nije došlo posla previše na račun ekonomije
I sad, sve do čeg' mi je stalo
Pa Braćane, niz vetar je nestalo
Ja se pravim k'o da me je sećanje izdalo
A Mara se pravi k'o da joj nije stalo

Ipak sećam nas se kako se vozimo u bratovim kolima
Njenog tela preplanulog, vlažnog kod veštačkog jezera
Noćom sam ležao budan kraj tih obala
I privuk'o je bliže, tek da čujem svaki dah što ga ona uzima
Sad se vraćadu sva ta sečanja
Da me progone poput prokletstva
Dal' laž su snovi što se ne ostvare
Il' nešto još gore
To me dole na reku šalje I
ako znam da ona presušila je
To me večeras na reku baca
Dole na reci
Ja i moja maca
E, vozamo se do reke

Iskrenost (poštenje)

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Ako za nežnošću tragaš
Nije teško da na nju nabasaš
Mož' da imaš lubavi kolko ti treba da bi živio
Al' ako bi za istinitošću tragao
Mog'o bi furtom slep biti
Kanda je vek teško davati

Iskrenost je usamljena, znaš
Svi neiskeni su, al' baš
Za poštenje možeš čuti jedva
A to mi uglavnom od tebe treba

Uvek mogu da nekog naći
Da saoseća što će reči
Ako srce na dlanu dajem
Al' neko lice lepo mi ne treba
Da me lažima lepim zasipa
Neko kome mogu da verujem mi treba

Iskrenost je usamljena, znaš
Svi neiskeni su, al' baš
Za poštenje možeš čuti jedva
A to mi uglavnom od tebe treba

Švalerku mogu naći
Pajtaša pronaći
Sigurnost mogu imati ja
Sve do kraja gorkoga
Svako mož' da me uteši
Obećanjima nanovo
Znadem to, znadem to

Kad uđem duboko u sebe
Nemoj da se brinete
Dok me nema niš' neću iskati
Al' kad poželim iskrenosti
Kaži mi mi di se drugo mogu okrenuti
Jer samo na tebe se mogu osloniti

Iskrenost je usamljena, znaš
Svi neiskeni su, al' baš
Za poštenje možeš čuti jedva
A to mi uglavnom od tebe treba

Don't You Want Me

You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
When I met you
I picked you out, I shook you up, and turned you around
Turned you into someone new
Now five years later on you've got the world at your feet
Success has been so easy for you
But don't forget it's me who put you where you are now
And I can put you back down too

Don't, don't you want me?
You know I can't believe it when I hear that you won't see me
Don't, don't you want me?
You know I don't believe you when you say that you don't need me
It's much too late to find
You think you've changed your mind
You'd better change it back or we will both be sorry

Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh
Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh

I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
That much is true
But even then I knew I'd find a much better place
Either with or without you
The five years we have had have been such good times
I still love you
But now I think it's time I lived my life on my own
I guess it's just what I must do

Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh
Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh

Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh
Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh

Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh
Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh

Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh
Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh

Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh
Don't you want me baby? don't you want me - oh

Gradovi u Magli

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Voda je tekla,
Djeca su trčala,
Ti si kasnio...

Ispod planine ,
Zlatna fontana,
Gdje si ti molio na Lares svetilištu?

Ali, oh, - oh tvoj grad leži u magli , moj prijatelju
Oh,- oh tvoj grad leži u magli, moj prijatelju

Uhvatili smo te kako se kriješ
Uhvatili smo te kako lažeš
Gušio si se u blatu i pjesku

Tvoje bivše slave
I sve priče
Otete i oprane sa željnim rukama

Ali, oh ,oh tvoj grad leži u magli, moj prijatelju
Oh, oh, tvoj grad leži na magli... Moj prijatelju
Tvoj grad leži u magli

Voda je tekla,
Djeca su trčala,
Mi smo te našli kako se kriješ
Mi smo te uhvatili kako lažeš
Tvoj grad leži u magli, moj prijatelju
Oh, oh, tvoj grad leži u magli... Moj prijatelju

Vruće je i gori u tvojoj nozdrvi
Sluze ti usta,
Tvoja rastopljena tijela,
Pokrivač od pepela
Pronađen u mukama, i

Vou, oh, - Oh, oh, tvoj grad leži na magli... Moj prijatelju
Tvoj grad leži u magli
Oh, oh, tvoj grad leži na magli... Moj prijatelju
Tvoj grad leži u magli
Oh, oh, tvoj grad leži na magli... Moj prijatelju
Tvoj grad leži u magli
Oh, oh, tvoj grad leži na magli... Moj prijatelju
Tvoj grad leži u magli